Murano Artistic Glassworks
A.VE.M. (Arte Vetraria Muranese), born in the 1932 from the collaboration of the master Antonio Ferro with his sons Egidio and Ottone, of Galliano Ferro and Emilio Nason.
The first production of objects is designed, in part, by the designer Vittorio Zecchin, and is characterized by the lightness of the forms.
Over the years, the glassworks adapts to new market demands, which favor thick materials such as Pulegoso glass, or solid glass figures.
From 1939 to 1952 Giulio Radi was hired as artistic director, who will deepen the research in the field of reactions between metal oxides, will bring the use of Murrine and gold and silver powders.
Some important works of the A.VE.M. are the “Anse Volanti” vases, created by Giorgio Ferro and presented at the Biennial in the 1952.
These are works characterized by Iridescent surface and large handles obtained by heat from the body of the object.
During the 50s they collaborated with the A.VE.M. many famous artists including the painter Luigi Scarpa Croce, creator of objects with asymmetrical shape made with glass and colored murrine.
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